Home » Newsom orders crackdown on ultra-processed foods

Newsom orders crackdown on ultra-processed foods

by Christian

California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order today that aims to curtail Californians’ access to controversial ultra-processed foods and investigate food dyes.

Newsom’s official statement:

“The food we eat shouldn’t make us sick with disease or lead to lifelong consequences. California has been a leader for years in creating healthy and delicious school meals, and removing harmful ingredients and chemicals from food. We’re going to work with the industry, consumers and experts to crack down on ultra-processed foods, and create a healthier future for every Californian.”

You can read more about the specifics here, which include potentially adopting higher standards for healthy school meals, recommend ways to “reduce the purchase of soda, candy, other ultra-processed foods” and provide formal recommendations to the governor’s office.


One year ago, this would’ve been viewed as another “liberal California statement,” but ever since RFK Jr. became a rightwing icon of sorts and Donald Trump responded in kind by tapping him as head of HHS – this is now quite uncontroversial.

In fact, The Los Angeles Times titles its piece on Newsom’s move, “Newsom aims to limit unhealthy food in California, getting ahead of Trump Administration and RFK Jr.”

Though Newsom didn’t mention Kennedy, the Democratic governor of California is planting a preemptive flag around the issue and signaling his refusal to concede the terrain to the incoming Trump administration.

LA Times writers’ Julia Wick and Taryn Luna then do, indeed, note Newsom’s numerous previous efforts to junk food additives and target dyes, and no governor can credibly claim to have addressed this issue more directly.

Thus, what might have hampered Newsom among the internet influencers years ago and hurt his general election chances – well, in this case, it might actually help him. Both in a Democratic primary and general election.

By the way, if you want to read more about ultra-processed foods, check out the American Medical Association’s page, which includes compelling research studies, detailing the potential health hazards they pose.

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